Starting point??? Snowy, COLD, interesting...Boston, Massachusetts
Ending point??? Wet, STILL cold, absolutely cherished...Seattle, Washington
I have been here in Boston since July helping my brother and sister-in-law with their 7 month old Isabella.
Evan and Isabella
Erica and I
I feel so blessed to have been given this opportunity by my family to experience the east coast in this manner. I have had a tremendous amount of fun while living here. I was able to work at the Barking Crab and learn that "Everyone SHOULD have crabs." The atmosphere there is very fun but if you go on a summer afternoon/night just be prepared to wait...and...wait...and...WAIT SOME MORE!!! In my opinion you could probably get a much better and CHEAPER meal in a lot less time down the street a bit but being that I worked there "OF COURSE IS IT WORTH THE WAIT!!!!" I did meet a lot of very nice people through this establishment minus whoever the prick was who stole my brand new camera like a week after I got it...
I got to do a lot of exploring (aka: looking at my navigation on my phone and cursing at it) while out here.
I was even able to get away with my brother Derek and my grandmother up to see family in BEAUTIFUL Maine. The drive up was a very uneventful 6 hours and absolutely beautiful especially once into Maine. The view from the backyard is gorgeous and I think more than speaks for itself. The weather was sweltering during the couple of days that we were up there so for some odd reason I actually agreed when Derek said lets jump in the ocean....lapse in judgment I KNOW!! It was sooo ridiculously cold but it was definitely refreshing. It was my first experience eating lobster and especially lobster cooked right on the beach. We did a lot of lounging, relaxing, exploring, hearing old stories and learning about Maine and the Acadia National Park.
Walk out the back deck and see this...
And this!!
Derek about to jump
So beautiful
Lighthouse down the coast a little
Beautiful sign Aunt Lu created
Derek and Grandma
Aunt Lu and Grandma
One of my best friends since like 3rd grade, JESSSSSSICA ADAMS, told me that she was going to be in New Jersey visiting her family at the end of October so naturally I had to meander my way down to go hang out with her. We decided to take a bus into the city for an extremely long, dirty, exhausting and absolutely wonderful day! We went to Times Square, St. Patricks Cathedral, the Waldorf Hotel, Rockefeller Center, Greenwich Village, Ground Zero :o[, St. Pauls Church and many other places along the way. We also got to experience the NY subway system for the first time, having been in Boston and Riding the T really helped. We had a long day filled with good food, lots of laughs and amazing company. The drive back to Boston that night was NOT fun but had to be done!
All bundled up and ready to explore the city
Times Square
Jessssss <3
St Patricks Cathedral
Last picture before my phone died... :o[
So now that brings us to now....2 weeks before my departure date on an epic road trip! Being that I have a Volkswagen Jetta, which happens to hate the snow and all that comes with it, I have decided to take the long SCENIC route. By doing this I will be able to avoid as much of this as possible and to see more people that I know (aka free places to stay). I will be going down the east coast across the south and up through the west coast finally ending up in Seattle. I will be driving through a total of 20 states in approximately 30 days. I will be stopping and staying with family and friends along.
Jett Jett covered in snow from our latest snow!
Cant wait to be back with them!!! <3
Tenative calendar of where I will be when...
I LOVE that you're blogging your trip!!!! :D ANNNNDDDD LOVE that you're coming home!! Woot woot! Pleeeassse tell me, though, you aren't driving by yourself are you??? love you lots & can't wait to see ya!!! xoxox